Well I know it's been awhile, but I really haven't had much to post about. I've just been busy with normal everyday day stuff. Wedding season is starting to pick up with the arrival of Summer so I'll be even more busy come June. We have 5 weddings in June and the one Saturday we don't have a wedding I'll be in California at the Resolved Conference, which am super excited about! Last year was so much fun I decided that I was going no matter what! So all that to say I am going to be pretty tied up for a while. So I may not have time to post very much, but hopefully I will be able to post some pictures. I plan to write everyday I'm in California and let you (few readers I have...Angie and mom) know what's going on. Speaking of pictures here are a few of the wedding we did this past weekend. I know its just of flowers and they look pretty much the same but they were my favorites of the day and I've been playing with the effects in Lightroom (which is kinda like photoshop, but better). Anyway, enjoy!