1: A few days after I wrote that last post Angie went back to the hospital for the night, thinking it was premature labor. It turned out to be a flu bug that John David had when he was complaining of abdominal pain. Since then we have all had it throughout the week. And let me tell you it was no fun! Luckily there were no bodily fluids involved in this flu bug. Just a headache, body ache, and muscle aches all day long! Also fortunately it was only a 24 hour bug so it swept through pretty quick.
2: I got a call from my mom today telling me that my Grandpa (dad's dad) was in the hospital for intestinal bleeding. Long story short (and b/c I don't actually know all the details) he will be in the hospital for about 3 days. My parents are now in Clarksville doing hospital visits and taking care of grandma.
As I was typing this, I was thinking about why we stress over things and stress in general. Why do we stress over things that we really don't have to? We stress over little things that only seem like big things to the world, b/c they don't have God to lean on. We worry about things like money, jobs, and everyday stuff. Christians have a God that holds the world in the palm of His hand and has already written what is going to happen in the future. If it's already written what is little me fretting over it going to change? Us worrying about worldly things is proof that the world has rubbed off on us, b/c we are worrying about the same things they are. Looking at my blog I was reading the verse I put on the end of my last post (Romans 8:28) I'm not really sure why I put that at the end of that post, other than the fact that it is definitely one of my favorite verses, but that verse holds one of the hardest lessons we have to learn. We have to learn to trust God with whatever He brings our way. We HAVE to trust Him b/c He is the one that put it there and it's there for a reason. It's all about trust and faith in the one we have given our lives to.
On a happier note... here are some picture of Haley and Lanning at the pool. I was watching them one day and my friend Emily was watching some kids as well so we decided to meet at the pool. Enjoy! Tell me what you think! :)