Well we finally made it! We got to the airport at about 5:45am and flew out of Nashville at 7:25, with at connecting flight in Dallas. We eventually arrived in Phoenix around 1pm. We then proceeded to Smed and Janet's (anxiously :) ) That night we had a pool party with some of the college group from their church. The next morning they guys went on a hike up Camel Back Mountain. I was much too tired, so I stayed and took the opportunity to sleep in! After chowing some amazing chips and salsa, we piled in the vans and headed for sunny California. Here are some pics of our drive.

And man was it hot!! The high has been around 112 degrees and there is no relief in sight. Luckily, we don't have to even leave the building to get to the conference. (The hotel and conference center are connected.) Here are some pictures of the first session. We were all super tired from the drive and a little more jet lag. There is a two hour difference from Tennessee. It's amazing how big that small gap feels when you are traveling!

The theme for the conference as a whole is Heaven and Hell. Last nights session was on Hebrews 9:27-28 and death taught by Rick Holland, who is the college pastor at Grace Community Church. Though death doesn't seem like a very encouraging subject it was very convicting. It helped that he started with stating that if you are prepared to die, you will know how to live. His three main points were:
1. Death is unavoidable.
Everyone is going to die and everyone is born with a death sentence, so be prepared b/c you don't know when your time will come. No matter how bad things seem in your life right now, it will not even compare to what it will be like in Hell. Everyday is fleeting and you are know the closest to death now than you have. So spend the time you have left glorifying God.
2. Judgement is curtain.
Everyone will, one day, die and then be judged before God. Rick pointed out that Hell is going to be full of everything we hate and dislike (fear, darkness, absence of God, and the longing for one more chance to follow Christ and get into Heaven) "If you think of Hell rightly you will either be saved or go insane."
3. Salvation is possible.
Crucify your pride, b/c Christ was crucified and killed for you sins. We owe everything to Him. God is just and we should be thankful that He isn't fair. If He were fair, heaven wouldn't be an option for us. Christ would not have been the one crucified and sent to hell to take away our sins.
It was a great start to our conference and it really set our minds on what we are doing here. This morning we heard from Randy Alcorn, a well know author, and John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church. I will post on them at the end of the day. Tonight we hear from C.J Mahaney, who everyone is excited to hear! Anyway, there is more to come!