Here's VBS:

This was pretty funny! The kids have been playing outside non stop for about a week. The weather has been nice and it's been good for them to get their energy out. Anyway, the girls had been out in the front yard for a while and Jeremy noticed they hadn't come in for a while so he went to check on the them. He opened the front door and yelled for them. They answered but he couldn't see them. He finally realized they were up in the tree. BUT they were so far up in the tree he could barely see them. Caitlyn wasn't scared at all and came right down. Kylie on the other hand didn't realize how high she was and got too scared to get down so Jeremy had to go up after her. Here are the pictures from this adventure. The last once is a picture of the tree. They were almost at the very top and you can see just how big the tree is in comparison to the truck in the drive way!

This is Kylie getting baptized Sunday night after the family night. She was so excited!

We went out to eat Friday after VBS to celebrate the end of a successful week. Outside is a fountain that the kids found extremely entertaining! As you can see they were completely soaked by the end. It wasn't until after the kids got wet that we noticed the sign! OOPS!

And no. The baby is not here yet. :)
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