So ... I did it again. I missed Monday's post. So I'm going to make it up right now. On Wednesday before I leave for the weekend. Which, by the way, is super exciting! I"m going to Florida to help Krystal shoot a wedding!! WooHoo!! I've been looking forward to this weekend for so long. Although this isn't the only Trip I'm looking forward to. This year I am also planning to attend the Resolved Conference, which this year is in Palm Springs, CA. This conference is so amazing!! It is a conference all geared around encouraging collegians. They have incredible speakers including John MacArthur, CJ Mahaney, and John Piper. This is one of those conferences that you start planning the next year's trip on the plane ride home. I can't express just how encouraging it is to be surrounded by that many people who are so deeply rooted in the Word and all moving toward one eternal goal. And I am especially excited about this year's topic... Heaven and Hell. I can't wait!! On the website for the conference there is a short video of John MacArthur talking about the cross. I love what he says and it give a small glimpse of how great the teaching is and the great Godly wisdom these me have. Here is the video:
Here is the trailer for the '07 conference, which was incredible as well. This video includes little bits of each speaker and is very well made! I found these on youtube if you want to see more!
I am also going to visit my sister. I'm going a few times this year actually. I'm planning to travel with them when they come in April, and then again in the Summer. And then again when the baby is born. That is the tentative plan anyway. We shall see how things are going when we get there. There are so many things I am looking forward to this year! I can't wait to see what God has in store that I don't even know about!
This week I chose a verse that we read at the beginning of the church service this past Sunday. Our pastor read the entire chapter but this verse especially stuck out to me.
Psalm 84:11
For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk up rightly.
Though this past year has been filled with mixed emotions and various trials, the flip side to all of that is the incredible number of blessings God has given me. Everything from having a Godly example of who I want to become someday and finding grace in the most unexpected places to God providing jobs and the money to get by. I am so amazed at how much grace God gives me and how, in His time, it begins to all make sense. I wonder how much more could be revealed if I only had a little more patience for things to happen in His time and not mine. This verse is a great reminder that as long as we follow Him we have nothing to worry about. He loves and cares for His children, so why would He keep us from getting what we need. The only thing He does withhold from us is the very thing we deserve. Eternal suffering. When that is all we deserve everything else is a blessing. No matter how big or small.
Have a great week!
Verse of the Week
Hello again,
I hope you have all had a great week! Mine has been pretty busy! Which is hard for some to understand when they find out I don't have a full time job and I'm not in school, but there has been so much babysitting that, at times like this, it feels like I do! Babysitting has kinda become my full time job! It has become the up side of not going back to school. I have so much "free time" to help out those stay athome mom's that just want a day to themselves! It definitely a win win kind of job.
Anyway, I realize that I have kinda neglected this blog for about a week, but I'm going to try and keep that from happening again!:) So here is this week's verse:
James 4:14
"...yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
This past weekend we had to say goodbye to our youth pastor at church who, with his family, is moving on to bigger and better things. We are sad to see them go but happy they have such a great opportunity before them! Anyway, all four years of high school I was under his teaching. And one of the main things I learned from him was exactly what this verse talks about. He was a constant reminder of just how short life is and how we should glorify God in EVERYTHING we do and not only when we feel like it. Especially when eternity is all that really matters! What good is it to make this life more comfortable when we are only here for a limited time? Eternity in heaven is just that. Forever! So why not make that our goal and life long project? What better goal is there to strive toward? We don't know what tomorrow brings. We don't even know how much longer we have here on earth. Which is all the more reason to strive and make each day count because we never know which one will be our last. Each day we should ask "what is my life? Have I accomplished anything today, yesterday, this week, this month or even this year that has made a mark on eternity? When I get to heaven will God say "Well done my good and faithful servant"? Or will we get to the end and look back only to find disappointment and a lifetime selfishly wasted?
I would definately recommend the book "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. It is and incredible easy read that will help anyone get their life into pirspective. If you haven't read it you should, and if youhave read it... read it again! We can all use the daily reminder.

Have a great week!
I hope you have all had a great week! Mine has been pretty busy! Which is hard for some to understand when they find out I don't have a full time job and I'm not in school, but there has been so much babysitting that, at times like this, it feels like I do! Babysitting has kinda become my full time job! It has become the up side of not going back to school. I have so much "free time" to help out those stay athome mom's that just want a day to themselves! It definitely a win win kind of job.
Anyway, I realize that I have kinda neglected this blog for about a week, but I'm going to try and keep that from happening again!:) So here is this week's verse:
James 4:14
"...yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
This past weekend we had to say goodbye to our youth pastor at church who, with his family, is moving on to bigger and better things. We are sad to see them go but happy they have such a great opportunity before them! Anyway, all four years of high school I was under his teaching. And one of the main things I learned from him was exactly what this verse talks about. He was a constant reminder of just how short life is and how we should glorify God in EVERYTHING we do and not only when we feel like it. Especially when eternity is all that really matters! What good is it to make this life more comfortable when we are only here for a limited time? Eternity in heaven is just that. Forever! So why not make that our goal and life long project? What better goal is there to strive toward? We don't know what tomorrow brings. We don't even know how much longer we have here on earth. Which is all the more reason to strive and make each day count because we never know which one will be our last. Each day we should ask "what is my life? Have I accomplished anything today, yesterday, this week, this month or even this year that has made a mark on eternity? When I get to heaven will God say "Well done my good and faithful servant"? Or will we get to the end and look back only to find disappointment and a lifetime selfishly wasted?
I would definately recommend the book "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. It is and incredible easy read that will help anyone get their life into pirspective. If you haven't read it you should, and if youhave read it... read it again! We can all use the daily reminder.
Have a great week!
So I know I missed my weekly Monday post this week. Sorry about that. I meant to do it Monday. And then I meant to do it on Tuesday and before i knew it, it was Friday! The week has flown by! But I will be sure to post this Monday. Hope you have all had a great week!
Verse of the Week - Colossians 3:2
Hello :)
I realized, with only three hours left, that it's Monday! It's been so crazy all my days are starting to blurr together! It seems like the days keep passing faster and faster. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
So anyway,here is the verse for the week:
Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
I chose this verse mainly for a reminder to myself. It is a reminder that I shouldn't get so stressed about temporal things, but I should think about eternal things. Which in the long run are what really matters! It doesn't really matter What I do, as much as WHY I'm doing it. If I'm doing anything with a movite other than glorifying God then I shouldn't be doing it. That is our one purpose. To glorify God. The other things on earth don't matter. Our focus belongs on Him.
I realized, with only three hours left, that it's Monday! It's been so crazy all my days are starting to blurr together! It seems like the days keep passing faster and faster. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
So anyway,here is the verse for the week:
Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
I chose this verse mainly for a reminder to myself. It is a reminder that I shouldn't get so stressed about temporal things, but I should think about eternal things. Which in the long run are what really matters! It doesn't really matter What I do, as much as WHY I'm doing it. If I'm doing anything with a movite other than glorifying God then I shouldn't be doing it. That is our one purpose. To glorify God. The other things on earth don't matter. Our focus belongs on Him.
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