
Verse of the Week - Philippians 2:4

I hope you all had a great week! There's not much to report at the moment. Things are pretty much the same as last week. I am really excited about a few things in the near future though!
1. I am going with Krystal to do a wedding in Florida at the end of February! It will be my first "traveling job" with her, and waht better place than Florida? It's going to be beautiful!
2. The Knutson Klan is coming in April! I will be traveling with them which could be interesting, but fun at the same time!
3. My birthday is in a few weeks! Two weeks from yesterdy to be exact! I can't believe I will be 20!! That's so crazy.

Anyway, here is the verse of the week I promised!

Philippians 2:4
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

This verse is a big reminder that the world doesn't revolve around us! We aren't here on earth to make ourselves more comfortable, but to serve each other for the glory of God. The entire 2nd chapter of Philippians is about Christ being the ultimate example of putting self aside to serve others. CJ Mahaney wrote an awesome book called "Huimity:True Greatness". It is a book that I would recommend to anyone! It really makes you reevaluate the motives you have behind everything you do. It forces you to ask the difficut questions about yourself. Are you truely serving someone to glorify God or are you doing it in hopes of getting brownie points for it? It is an easy read and a must have! As is the book of Philippians! :)

Have a great week!

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